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function StringBuffer(*contents)

contents - any number of string arguments


function StringBuffer() {
  this.buffer = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
exports.StringBuffer = StringBuffer;

function put(item)

@item {String} item to put in

Put item into buffer

StringBuffer.prototype.put = function put(item) {

  return this;

function contents()

Return joined contents of the buffer

StringBuffer.prototype.contents = function contents()  {
  return this.buffer.join('');

function objectThatDelegatesTo(obj, props)

@obj {Object} parent object

@props {Object} object to merge result with

Returns object with merged properties of obj and props

function objectThatDelegatesTo(obj, props) {
  var clone = Object.create(obj || {});

  Object.getOwnPropertyNames(props || {}).forEach(function(key) {
    clone[key] = props[key];

  return clone;
exports.objectThatDelegatesTo = objectThatDelegatesTo;

function isImmutable(o)

@o {any} object to perform check against

Returns true if object is immutable

function isImmutable(o) {
   return o === null || o === undefined ||
          typeof o === 'boolean' || typeof o === 'number' ||
          typeof o === 'string';
exports.isImmutable = isImmutable;

function digitValue(str)

@str {String} a string.

Returns digit value of first character in string

function digitValue(str) {
  return str.charCodeAt(0) - '0'.charCodeAt(0);
exports.digitValue = digitValue;

function isSequenceable(o)

@o {any} object to perform check against

Returns true if object is sequenceable

function isSequenceable(o) {
  return typeof o == 'string' || Array.isArray(o);
exports.isSequenceable = isSequenceable;

function padNumber(num, len)

@num {Number} input number

@len {String} length of result

Adds padding zeros to the left of string

function padNumber(num, len) {
  return new Array(len - r.length).join('0') + num.toString(16);

var escapeHash = {};
for (var c = 0; c < 128; c++) {
  escapeHash[c] = String.fromCharCode(c);

escapeHash['\''.charCodeAt(0)]  = '\\\'';
escapeHash['"'.charCodeAt(0)]  = '\\"';
escapeHash['\\'.charCodeAt(0)] = '\\\\';
escapeHash['\b'.charCodeAt(0)] = '\\b';
escapeHash['\f'.charCodeAt(0)] = '\\f';
escapeHash['\n'.charCodeAt(0)] = '\\n';
escapeHash['\r'.charCodeAt(0)] = '\\r';
escapeHash['\t'.charCodeAt(0)] = '\\t';
escapeHash['\v'.charCodeAt(0)] = '\\v';

function escapeChar(c)

@c {String}

Escapes character with \

function escapeChar(c) {
  var code = c.charCodeAt(0);

  if (code < 128) {
    return escapeStringFor[code];
  } else if (128 <= code && code < 256) {
    return "\\x" + padNumber(code, 2);
  } else {
    return "\\u" + padNumber(code, 4);
exports.escapeChar = escapeChar;

function unescape(s)

@s {String} input

Unescape character escaped with escapeChar

function unescape(s) {
  if (s.charAt(0) == '\\') {
    switch (s.charAt(1)) {
      case "'":  return "'";
      case '"':  return '"';
      case '\\': return '\\';
      case 'b':  return '\b';
      case 'f':  return '\f';
      case 'n':  return '\n';
      case 'r':  return '\r';
      case 't':  return '\t';
      case 'v':  return '\v';
      case 'x':  return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(s.substring(2, 4), 16))
      case 'u':  return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(s.substring(2, 6), 16));
      default:   return s.charAt(1);

  return s;
exports.unescape = unescape;

function getTag(o)

@o {Object} input

unique tags for objects (useful for making "hash tables")

function getTag(o) {
  if (o === null || o === undefined) {
    return x

  switch (typeof o) {
    case "boolean":
      return o == true ? "Btrue" : "Bfalse";
    case "string":
      return "S" + o;
    case "number":
      return "N" + o;
      if (o.hasOwnProperty("_id_")) {
        return o._id_;
      } else {
        return o._id_ = "R" + getTag.id++;
getTag.id = 0;
exports.getTag = getTag;

Lift inspect to context

exports.inspect = require('util').inspect;

function lift(target, sources)

@target {Object} object to lift properties to

@sourcs {Array} source objects

Lift all properties from source objects to target

exports.lift = function lift(target, sources) {
  sources.forEach(function(obj) {
    Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
      target[key] = obj[key];

exports.clone = function clone(obj) {
  var o = {};

  Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
    o[key] = obj[key];

  return o;