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  new syntax:
    #foo and `foo  match the string object 'foo' (it's also accepted in my JS)
    'abc'    match the string object 'abc'
    'c'      match the string object 'c'
    ``abc''    match the sequence of string objects 'a', 'b', 'c'
    "abc"    token('abc')
    [1 2 3]    match the array object [1, 2, 3]
    foo(bar)    apply rule foo with argument bar
    -> ...    semantic actions written in JS (see OMetaParser's atomicHostExpr rule)

ometa M {
  number = number:n digit:d -> { n * 10 + d.digitValue() }
         | digit:d          -> { d.digitValue() }

translates to...

M = objectThatDelegatesTo(OMeta, {
  number: function() {
            return this._or(function() {
                              var n = this._apply("number"),
                                  d = this._apply("digit")
                              return n * 10 + d.digitValue()
                            function() {
                              var d = this._apply("digit")
                              return d.digitValue()
M.matchAll("123456789", "number")

var ometajs = require('../ometajs'),
    utils = ometajs.utils,
    objectThatDelegatesTo = utils.objectThatDelegatesTo,
    isSequenceable = utils.isSequenceable;

failure exception

var fail = exports.fail = new Error('match failed');

function OMInputStream(hd, tl)

@hd {any} Head

@tl {Object} Tail

Streams and memoization

function OMInputStream(hd, tl) {
  this.memo = { }
  this.lst  = tl.lst
  this.idx  = tl.idx
  this.hd   = hd
  this.tl   = tl

function head ()

Returns stream's hd property

OMInputStream.prototype.head = function() { return this.hd };

function tail ()

Returns stream's tl property

OMInputStream.prototype.tail = function() { return this.tl };

function type ()

Returns stream's lst property constructor

OMInputStream.prototype.type = function() { return this.lst.constructor };

function upTo (that)

@that {Object} target object

Visit all tails and join all met heads and return string or array (depending on .lst type)

OMInputStream.prototype.upTo = function(that) {
  var r = [], curr = this
  while (curr != that) {
    curr = curr.tail()
  return this.type() == String ? r.join('') : r

function OMInputStreamEnd (lst, idx)

@lst {Array} list

@idx {Number} index

Internal class

function OMInputStreamEnd(lst, idx) {
  this.memo = { }
  this.lst = lst
  this.idx = idx
OMInputStreamEnd.prototype = objectThatDelegatesTo(OMInputStream.prototype);

function head ()

Not implemented

OMInputStreamEnd.prototype.head = function() { throw fail };

function tail ()

Not implemented

OMInputStreamEnd.prototype.tail = function() { throw fail };

function ListOMInputStream (lst, idx)

@lst {Array} list

@idx {Number} index

Returns self-expanding stream

function ListOMInputStream(lst, idx) {
  this.memo = { };
  this.lst  = lst;
  this.idx  = idx;
  this.hd   = lst[idx];
ListOMInputStream.prototype = objectThatDelegatesTo(OMInputStream.prototype);

function head ()

Returns stream's hd property's value

ListOMInputStream.prototype.head = function() { return this.hd };

function tail ()

Returns or creates stream's tail

ListOMInputStream.prototype.tail = function() {
  return this.tl || (this.tl = makeListOMInputStream(this.lst, this.idx + 1));

function makeListOMInputStream (lst, idx)

@lst {Array} List

@idx {Number} index

Returns either ListOMInputStream's or OMInputStreamEnd's instance

function makeListOMInputStream(lst, idx) {
  if (idx < lst.length) {
    return new ListOMInputStream(lst, idx);
  } else {
    return new OMInputStreamEnd(lst, idx);

function makeOMInputStreamProxy (target)

@target {any} Delegate's constructor

Returns object with stream's properties (has self-expanding tail)

function makeOMInputStreamProxy(target) {
  return objectThatDelegatesTo(target, {
    memo:   { },
    target: target,
    tl: undefined,
    tail: function() {
      return this.tl || (this.tl = makeOMInputStreamProxy(target.tail()));

function Failer()

(i.e., that which makes things fail) Used to detect (direct) left recursion and memoize failures

function Failer() {
  this.used = false;


the OMeta "class" and basic functionality

var OMeta = exports.OMeta = {
  _apply: function(rule) {
    var memoRec = this.input.memo[rule]
    if (memoRec == undefined) {
      var origInput = this.input,
          failer    = new Failer()
      if (this[rule] === undefined)
        throw 'tried to apply undefined rule "' + rule + '"'
      this.input.memo[rule] = failer
      this.input.memo[rule] = memoRec = {ans: this[rule].call(this), nextInput: this.input}
      if (failer.used) {
        var sentinel = this.input
        while (true) {
          try {
            this.input = origInput
            var ans = this[rule].call(this)
            if (this.input == sentinel)
              throw fail
            memoRec.ans       = ans
            memoRec.nextInput = this.input
          catch (f) {
            if (f != fail)
              throw f
    else if (memoRec instanceof Failer) {
      memoRec.used = true
      throw fail
    this.input = memoRec.nextInput
    return memoRec.ans

note: _applyWithArgs and _superApplyWithArgs are not memoized, so they can't be left-recursive

  _applyWithArgs: function(rule) {
    for (var idx = arguments.length - 1; idx > 0; idx--)
    return this[rule].call(this)
  _superApplyWithArgs: function(recv, rule) {
    for (var idx = arguments.length - 1; idx > 1; idx--)
    return this[rule].call(recv)
  _prependInput: function(v) {
    this.input = new OMInputStream(v, this.input)

if you want your grammar (and its subgrammars) to memoize parameterized rules, invoke this method on it:

  memoizeParameterizedRules: function() {
    this._prependInput = function(v) {
      var newInput
      if (isImmutable(v)) {
        newInput = this.input[getTag(v)]
        if (!newInput) {
          newInput = new OMInputStream(v, this.input)
          this.input[getTag(v)] = newInput
      else newInput = new OMInputStream(v, this.input)
      this.input = newInput
    this._applyWithArgs = function(rule) {
      for (var idx = arguments.length - 1; idx > 0; idx--)
      return this._apply(rule)

  _pred: function(b) {
    if (b) return true;

    throw fail;
  _not: function(x) {
    var origInput = this.input
    try { x.call(this) }
    catch (f) {
      if (f != fail)
        throw f
      this.input = origInput
      return true
    throw fail
  _lookahead: function(x) {
    var origInput = this.input,
        r         = x.call(this)
    this.input = origInput
    return r
  _or: function() {
    var origInput = this.input
    for (var idx = 0; idx < arguments.length; idx++)
      try { this.input = origInput; return arguments[idx].call(this) }
      catch (f) {
        if (f != fail)
          throw f
    throw fail
  _xor: function(ruleName) {
    var origInput = this.input, idx = 1, newInput, ans
    while (idx < arguments.length) {
      try {
        this.input = origInput
        ans = arguments[idx].call(this)
        if (newInput)
          throw 'more than one choice matched by "exclusive-OR" in ' + ruleName
        newInput = this.input
      catch (f) {
        if (f != fail)
          throw f
    if (newInput) {
      this.input = newInput
      return ans
      throw fail
  disableXORs: function() {
    this._xor = function(ruleName) {
      var origInput = this.input
      for (var idx = 1; idx < arguments.length; idx++)
        try { this.input = origInput; return arguments[idx].call(this) }
        catch (f) {
          if (f != fail)
            throw f
      throw fail
  _opt: function(x) {
    var origInput = this.input, ans
    try { ans = x.call(this) }
    catch (f) {
      if (f != fail)
        throw f
      this.input = origInput
    return ans
  _many: function(x) {
    var ans = arguments[1] != undefined ? [arguments[1]] : []
    while (true) {
      var origInput = this.input
      try { ans.push(x.call(this)) }
      catch (f) {
        if (f != fail)
          throw f
        this.input = origInput
    return ans
  _many1: function(x) { return this._many(x, x.call(this)) },
  _form: function(x) {
    var v = this._apply("anything")
    if (!isSequenceable(v))
      throw fail
    var origInput = this.input
    this.input =  makeListOMInputStream(v, 0);
    var r = x.call(this)
    this.input = origInput
    return v
  _consumedBy: function(x) {
    var origInput = this.input
    return origInput.upTo(this.input)
  _idxConsumedBy: function(x) {
    var origInput = this.input
    return {fromIdx: origInput.idx, toIdx: this.input.idx}
  _interleave: function(mode1, part1, mode2, part2 /* ..., moden, partn */) {
    var currInput = this.input, ans = []
    for (var idx = 0; idx < arguments.length; idx += 2)
      ans[idx / 2] = (arguments[idx] == "*" || arguments[idx] == "+") ? [] : undefined
    while (true) {
      var idx = 0, allDone = true
      while (idx < arguments.length) {
        if (arguments[idx] != "0")
          try {
            this.input = currInput
            switch (arguments[idx]) {
              case "*": ans[idx / 2].push(arguments[idx + 1].call(this));                       break
              case "+": ans[idx / 2].push(arguments[idx + 1].call(this)); arguments[idx] = "*"; break
              case "?": ans[idx / 2] =    arguments[idx + 1].call(this);  arguments[idx] = "0"; break
              case "1": ans[idx / 2] =    arguments[idx + 1].call(this);  arguments[idx] = "0"; break
              default:  throw "invalid mode '" + arguments[idx] + "' in OMeta._interleave"
            currInput = this.input
          catch (f) {
            if (f != fail)
              throw f

if this (failed) part's mode is "1" or "+", we're not done yet

            allDone = allDone && (arguments[idx] == "*" || arguments[idx] == "?")
        idx += 2
      if (idx == arguments.length) {
        if (allDone)
          return ans
          throw fail
  _currIdx: function() { return this.input.idx },

some basic rules

  anything: function() {
    var r = this.input.head()
    this.input = this.input.tail()
    return r
  end: function() {
    return this._not(function() { return this._apply("anything") })
  pos: function() {
    return this.input.idx
  empty: function() { return true },
  apply: function() {
    var r = this._apply("anything")
    return this._apply(r)
  foreign: function() {
    var g   = this._apply("anything"),
        r   = this._apply("anything"),
        gi  = objectThatDelegatesTo(g, {input: makeOMInputStreamProxy(this.input)})
    var ans = gi._apply(r)
    this.input = gi.input.target
    return ans

some useful "derived" rules

  exactly: function() {
    var wanted = this._apply("anything")
    if (wanted === this._apply("anything"))
      return wanted
    throw fail
  "true": function() {
    var r = this._apply("anything")
    this._pred(r === true)
    return r
  "false": function() {
    var r = this._apply("anything")
    this._pred(r === false)
    return r
  "undefined": function() {
    var r = this._apply("anything")
    this._pred(r === undefined)
    return r
  number: function() {
    var r = this._apply("anything")
    this._pred(typeof r === "number")
    return r
  string: function() {
    var r = this._apply("anything")
    this._pred(typeof r === "string")
    return r
  "char": function() {
    var r = this._apply("anything")
    this._pred(typeof r === "string" && r.length == 1)
    return r
  space: function() {
    var r = this._apply("char")
    this._pred(r.charCodeAt(0) <= 32)
    return r
  spaces: function() {
    return this._many(function() { return this._apply("space") })
  digit: function() {
    var r = this._apply("char")
    this._pred(r >= "0" && r <= "9")
    return r
  lower: function() {
    var r = this._apply("char")
    this._pred(r >= "a" && r <= "z")
    return r
  upper: function() {
    var r = this._apply("char")
    this._pred(r >= "A" && r <= "Z")
    return r
  letter: function() {
    return this._or(function() { return this._apply("lower") },
                    function() { return this._apply("upper") })
  letterOrDigit: function() {
    return this._or(function() { return this._apply("letter") },
                    function() { return this._apply("digit")  })
  firstAndRest: function()  {
    var first = this._apply("anything"),
        rest  = this._apply("anything")
     return this._many(function() { return this._apply(rest) }, this._apply(first))
  seq: function() {
    var xs = this._apply("anything")
    for (var idx = 0; idx < xs.length; idx++)
      this._applyWithArgs("exactly", xs[idx])
    return xs
  notLast: function() {
    var rule = this._apply("anything"),
        r    = this._apply(rule)
    this._lookahead(function() { return this._apply(rule) })
    return r
  listOf: function() {
    var rule  = this._apply("anything"),
        delim = this._apply("anything")
    return this._or(function() {
                      var r = this._apply(rule)
                      return this._many(function() {
                                          this._applyWithArgs("token", delim)
                                          return this._apply(rule)
                    function() { return [] })
  token: function() {
    var cs = this._apply("anything")
    return this._applyWithArgs("seq", cs)
  fromTo: function () {
    var x = this._apply("anything"),
        y = this._apply("anything")
    return this._consumedBy(function() {
                              this._applyWithArgs("seq", x)
                              this._many(function() {
                                this._not(function() { this._applyWithArgs("seq", y) })
                              this._applyWithArgs("seq", y)

  initialize: function() { },

match and matchAll are a grammar's "public interface"

  _genericMatch: function(input, rule, args, matchFailed) {
    if (args == undefined)
      args = []
    var realArgs = [rule]
    for (var idx = 0; idx < args.length; idx++)
    var m = objectThatDelegatesTo(this, {input: input})
    try { return realArgs.length == 1 ? m._apply.call(m, realArgs[0]) : m._applyWithArgs.apply(m, realArgs) }
    catch (f) {
      if (f == fail && matchFailed != undefined) {
        var input = m.input
        if (input.idx != undefined) {
          while (input.tl != undefined && input.tl.idx != undefined)
            input = input.tl
        return matchFailed(m, input.idx)
      throw f
  match: function(obj, rule, args, matchFailed) {
    return this._genericMatch(makeListOMInputStream([obj], 0), rule, args, matchFailed)
  matchAll: function(listyObj, rule, args, matchFailed) {
    return this._genericMatch(makeListOMInputStream(listyObj, 0), rule, args, matchFailed)
  createInstance: function() {
    var m = objectThatDelegatesTo(this)
    m.matchAll = function(listyObj, aRule) {
      m.input = makeListOMInputStream(listyObj, 0);
      return m._apply(aRule)
    return m